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Following Best Practices

All prices include ear impression (moulding) service.


Noise levels while riding a motorcycle can regularly exceed safe levels, particularly from the wind noise generate when travelling over 40 mph. Our range of motorcyclist plugs are custom made, CE marked and come with built in audio capabilities.


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Mr. Conor Boland 



​​​​Durham Hearing Specialists is run by our Director of Audiology Mr. Conor Boland, and is the clinician responsible for ensuring we meet best practice guidelines and have the latest cutting edge equipment available to our patients. 


Conor started studying Audiology in 2007 at the University of Southampton. After completing internships at two London hospitals, he joined the NHS to work with hearing impaired adults and children. He also became heavily involved in charity work and became a Trustee of the Royal National Institute for the Deaf. 


After gaining experience in the field, Conor went to Africa in 2013 on a short mission with the charity Sound Seekers. Whilst in Cameroon he was able to set up equipment and train staff to help a number of adults and children hear properly for the first time using refurbished NHS hearing aids. 


After returning to the UK and working in several public and private sector roles, Conor became a certified microsuction trainer and currently teaches GPs, Nurses and other Audiologists how to perform ear wax removal. 


In 2019 he set up Durham Hearing Specialists with the goal of providing personalised, expert care to people with hearing disorders. 


"Working with cutting edge technology is a joy when I can use it to help someone hear better. Looking after my patients and ensuring they can always see me for care is my first priority, and making Durham Hearing Specialists known for worldclass expertise in treating hearing disorders is the second."  


Conor sees patients in our Barnard Castle and Stockton clinics throughout the week. For more information on the services available, see HERE


Health and Care Professionals Council: HAD01744

Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists: 7079

Academy for Healthcare Science: 8431

British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists

British Association For Performing Arts Medicine



BSc (Hons) Audiology, 2011 - University of Southampton 


Research publications

Verschuur, Boland, Frost, Constable (2013) The role of first formant information in simulated electro-acoustic hearing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133, (6), 4279-4289.

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